Merry Christmas! Today instead of writing, I'm hanging out with my hubby, my father, two of my three grown children, and playing with my Grand Kitten. His name is Salem. He's adorable. As you enjoy the fun of opening gifts, and spending time with family, I hope you will feel Jesus Christ in your life. He loves you. God bless you my friends. -Julie L. Spencer
I'm second guessing myself! Your response by email was unanimously for Who Wants to Marry a Mormon Girl?
Then on one of my Facebook groups, the majority was for The Farmer's Daughter, and then two straggling votes on different platforms came in for The Overlook. I LOVE The Overlook, but it's pretty far away from being complete so I think I'm going to put that one a little bit on the back burner. I do pick it up and write a chapter from time to time, one even quite recently. It will be complete sometime soon. The Farmer's Daughter is complete, but I simply have to finish the sequel, Beyond the Fence before I publish The Farmer's Daughter. So for now I'm going to start posting chapters for Who Wants to Marry a Mormon Girl? I hope that's okay with y'all. Let me know what you think! -Julie L. Spencer I write... a lot! And I have quite a few projects going at any given time. Below you will find a few that are far enough along that I could start posting a chapter a day. Comment below to tell me which project you want me to blog about next! The Work-in-Progress with the most votes will be chosen as my next Chapter-A-Day project! -Julie OPENING ACT: BUXTON PEAK MEETS INFUSION DEEP BY JULIE L. SPENCER AND LARA WYNTERWhat happens when the hottest rock band on the planet, Infusion Deep, asks you to open for them on their UK tour? Ian Taylor thinks Buxton Peak is up for the challenge. Read more... WHO WANTS TO MARRY A MORMON GIRL? BY JULIE L. SPENCERAs a devout Mormon girl, Michelle finds herself completely out of her comfort zone on a reality dating show called Love Letters. With guys offering her champagne and trying to get her in the hot tub, she wonders what she signed up for, and what the producers were thinking choosing her for her innocent girl-next-door personality. Read more... THE REFUSAL BY JULIE L. SPENCERRunning from a failed engagement, Melissa accepts a job offer and retreats to the middle of rural Michigan where she hopes to lose herself in farmland and cornfields. Instead, she gets lost in the eyes of a cute farm boy with his hands covered in soil. Read more... THE OVERLOOK BY JULIE L. SPENCERStephanie’s marriage to Jared was supposed to last forever. After a honeymoon filled with laughter and romance, a tragic accident leaves Stephanie to pull her life back together as a young widow. Read more... THE FARMER'S DAUGHTER BY JULIE L. SPENCERSometimes our dreams are right before our eyes. Ashley’s been taught all her life to find a nice Mormon boy and get married in a temple. That’s easier said than done living in rural Michigan, where members of her church are few and far between. Read more...
August 2022
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